Who are the Duluth East Daredevils?
You may wonder why on earth a robotics team ended up naming themselves after a fishing lure. Actually, during the first year of the team’s existence, it was called the “Duluth Penguins”. The Duluth Penguins were founded in 2008 by Greg Collins. Throughout Collins’ high school career, he had always wanted to start a FIRST Robotics team. He approached the Duluth East High School principal, and several other teachers, to see if any one of them would coach, but they all refused. Finally, during his senior year the principal, Mrs. Knapp, said yes.
The Duluth Penguins’ rookie year was a very humble beginning. FIRST’s 2008 game was Overdrive, where robots had to race around a track and carry medicine balls. Sadly, our robot only placed 54th out of 56th, yet we were not discouraged by our placement. Instead saying, “hey, we’re not last!”. Now energized about FIRST Robotics, we were extremely excited to be a part of FIRST again in the coming year.
2008 Daredevil Alliance Poster
In 2009, we began reconsidering our marketing strategy. It was decided that the name Duluth Penguins did not fit our region, and that the name needed more pizzazz. A lot of time was spent thinking up words starting with “D” to create an alliteration using Duluth. That’s when “Daredevils” was thrown into consideration. It was perfect! Duluth being located on the tip of Lake Superior in the “Land of 10,000 Lakes”, possibly the greatest state for fishing. As the Daredevil lure is easily recognizable, with it’s bright coloration and signature white stripe (or as we call it, the “swoosh”), we were able to further brand our team. However, our classic red shirts showcasing the white swoosh were not introduced to the team until 2011.
In addition, the treble hook added another aspect to the name’s meaning. Duluth used to have three public high schools; Denfeld, Central, and East. Originally, it was intended to be a team that involved all of the Duluth high schools, and thus chose the school neutral name, “Duluth Daredevils”. With the treble hook, we were able to assign a school to each hook. From then on the hook became the anchor of our logo. Yet, when the other two schools wanted to have their own FIRST Robotics teams, the name Duluth Daredevils was then abandoned and replaced with the Duluth East Daredevils. This further cemented our relationship and affiliation with Duluth East High School.
Since that time, we have become branded in the FIRST Robotics world and Duluth community as the Daredevils. We proudly donned our Zubaz and sported our newly designed team t-shirts. During the 2010 season with our robot “Ctrl-Z”, we competed up until the semifinals of the North Star Regional. In addition we were presented with the General Motors Industrial Design Award, which was our team’s first award.
“Beautility” and K.I.S.S. became our team’s mantras and began to define and shape our engineering principles. Beautility is the combination of beauty and utility, and K.I.S.S. stands for Keep It Simple Stupid. We always strive to not only design our robot so that it looks good, but also with the idea that it shouldn’t be more complicated than it needs to be.
During our 2011 season with our most automated robot “Archie”, we entered two regional competitions. In the Lake Superior Regional, we were presented the Delphi Excellence in Engineering award, and then at the North Star Regional, we received the Rockwell Automation’s Innovation in Control Design Award. After a win at the Lake Superior Regional, we were honored with the privilege to compete in the FIRST World Championship down in St.Louis, MO for the first time.
Post season, we tossed our competition manuals aside and revamped our 2010 robot, Ctrl-Z, into Ctrl-Y, a six-barreled t-shirt cannon. Our team now shoots foam baseballs at Huskies games, and shirts for Homecoming football games, and school assemblies.
Our robot was named Alli Hoop. In 2012 we attended both the North Star and Lake Superior Regionals. We had worked a lot on a new rework of how the robot should be designed and it paid off. We won the North Star Regional! We also won the Quality Award at the Lake Superior Regional.
We competed in the Archimedes division and ranked 23rd. We worked hard to perfect the robot for the game challenge and had a great season!
Our first ever Double Deccer we went to the Northern Lights Regional. We made it to the quarter finals which was very exiting and amazing. Then we Won the Midwest Reginal!!! We also made a full court shot. We even we able to make it to worlds. We used manual adjustment with the camera on the robot.
This year we made semifinals for and also won the Team Spirit Award! We used a Spring loaded Plunder that punched the ball into the goals. One of our beginning mentors Phil Norris won the Woodie Flowers Award!
We had one of the few Autonomous that could stack all three totes. We were also finalists at Northern Lights and Central Illinois Regional. We won the regional Chairman's Award. Our coach and student also won the Woodie Flowers Finalist Award (Timothy Velner.) FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Anna Karas). We won the Team Spirit Award.
In 2016 we won the Iowa Regional. We also won the Innovation in Control Award at North Star. We got to State and Semifinals.
Our student Olivia Nelson won the FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award. We were regional finalists at both regionals we went to. and we won the State competition. We won Team Spirit Award and also the Wildcard!
We won Chairman’s at Northern Lights. We made it to the Worlds competition in St Louis. We also won the Entrepreneurship Award sponsored by Kleiner Perkins Caufield and Byers.
In 2019 we were able to go to our first regional Northern Lights at the Double Deccer. We won both the FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Kobi Jones) Gracious Professionalism Award sponsored by Johnson & Johnson
FIRST Dean's List Finalist Award (Harper Wittmers) We went to our first regional before Covid-19 hit and we went into lockdown.
In 2021 we had a virtual challenge called Game Changers that we participated in because of Covid-19 restrictions.
After getting back on our feet after Covid-19 we competed at Northern Lights and North Star.