Build Season Week 5 Update

Whats up Guppies

We’ve accomplished so much this week. Multiple members on the team that we could spare started working on a recreation of the field including taping down lines to adjust field elements to be in the correct places.

Build has been making great improvements to the lift and bucket mechanism that has been planned out on CAD. Programming is waiting for the build to be done with the robot for some continued testing. Build has also been working on other elements of the robot including optimization of the bucket to pick up cones and cubes on carp-et.

Logistics was working on the 8th grader open house and we have a fish-tastic list of possible members for next year. We even created a ex-squid-sit prize wheel for students to win Daredevils merch including t-shirts, pin-chers and stickers. We are now working on making information to send out to them about the team and next year's season.

Awards are finished with the Impact Essay and they are ready to submit soon. They are also working on Chairmans and various other sofishticated awards. Team Management has been hard at work as always planning out hotels for the Milluakee regional. It's important to have this stuff ready so as we get closer we don't have as much to worry about. Going ahead we will be naming our robot and preparing for competition at the Double Deccer! We are so excited!! We are also planning on attending ICC in about a week.


Post Regional Update!


Build Season Week 3!